Prophetic Declaration for November 2023 – Signs and Wonders

Here am I and the children whom the LORD has given me! We are for signs and wonders in Israel (GOFAMINT) from the LORD of hosts, Who dwells in Mount Zion.

– Isaiah 8:18

Welcome to November 2023 – Our Month of Signs and Wonders

This month is declared unto you as your season of signs and wonders.
From now on, unstoppable signs and wonders shall be the order of the day in your life and family.
Nothing shall be impossible for you and your children.
The spirit of faith rests on you for unusual exploits this season.
Your expectations for many years are coming to pass before the end of this year.
Everywhere you go, you will enjoy angelic interventions and assistance.
Your pain is turning to pleasure and your poverty to prosperity.
Your mourning is hereby turned to joy and your sorrows to celebration.
The virtues of divine healing swallow up every recurrent and adamant sickness in your life and family.

You will sing a new song of victory.
This year will end for you and your family on a note of signs and wonders.
Your promotion is supernaturally released.
Divine provisions flow in the direction of your needs right now.
Divine protection is yours, now and always.
Your shame is rolled away, and your burdens are lifted right now.
By the anointing, every yoke is broken over your life and family in Jesus’ mighty name.

prophetic declaration, november 2023, signs and wonders

From today, you’re released into the world of signs and wonders.
Your children will excel in all their godly pursuits wherever they go.
This year will end for you and your household on a note of amazing testimonies.
Your home and ministry become the center of solution from this day forward.
You are released as an agent of signs and wonders everywhere you go.

Your ministry will take a new turn for good because the Lord will confirm your words with signs and wonders following.
Our churches at home and abroad will be a center for signs and wonders, where impossible situations will find divine solutions.
So shall this month be better for you, your household, and indeed the entire Gospel Faith Mission International, because the Lord of hosts will do great wonders in our midst, in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

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