Prophetic Declaration for November 2022
The creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.
Romans 8:21, NKJV
Welcome to November 2022 – Our Month of Glorious Liberty
This month is declared as your season of glorious liberty from all oppressions and bondage of corruption in Jesus’ mighty name.
From this day, nothing holds you back from becoming all that God has destined you to be.
Long-term afflictions and oppressions of the enemy are hereby terminated from your life and family.
Everyone under the bondage of sin is hereby liberated.
No more pain, no more tears for you and your household.
You are delivered from every evil task master working against your glorious liberty and destiny in Christ.
Every yoke is broken off your neck and every burden lifted off your shoulders by the anointing.
The yoke of sickness and diseases is broken over your body.
The burden of poverty and lack is destroyed over your life, family and ministry.
Every weight of iniquity is removed from your life.
By the power of the word of God, the hold of negative habits and thoughts is destroyed over your life.
You are liberated from all the filthiness of the flesh and spirit.
As of now, you are empowered by the Holy Spirit to perfect holiness in the fear of God.
This month marks the beginning of your freedom from every secret sin and hidden fault.
The shackle of sorrow, anxiety, depression and worries is broken over your life.
Every recurring evil in your life, family and ministry is hereby terminated and your glorious liberty is established in Jesus’ mighty name.

Every bondage of corruption is broken over your life and household.
Every gate of brass and bars of iron holding you back from your breakthrough is permanently cut asunder.
Every barrier between you and your glorious destiny in Christ is hereby removed.
No more limitations for you and your household.
Divine acceleration is your portion from this day forward.
You will recover lost opportunities and gain new grounds.
By anointing the Holy Spirit, you are raised a deliverer of many in your generation.
Everywhere you appear, yokes would be broken and burdens would be lifted.
Because of you, men and women around you would be liberated and released to walk in the glorious liberty of the children of God.
Every assembly of GOFAMINT worldwide is declared a Centre of Liberty from all oppressions and corruption of the devil from this day forward.
So shall this month be better for you, your household and the entire Gospel Faith Mission International, in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.
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