Prophetic Declaration for the Month of April 2022
Tell the righteous it will be well with them, for they will enjoy the fruit of their deeds…
Isaiah 3:10 – New International Version
Welcome to April 2022 – Our Month of Well Being
Well-being is the state of being happy, healthy and successful; and that will be your experience beginning this month.
This month shall bring all-round good report for you and your family.
There shall be no occasion for you to weep.
The Lord Himself will wipe away your tears and give you songs of great joy.
The joy of the Lord shall be your strength all through this month and beyond.
Joy unspeakable and the fullness of His glory shall be your portion on a daily basis.
Your health and strength will not fail you.
No depression or weakness or weariness is permitted in your body.
No trouble or disaster is permitted around you.
No more pain or sorrow or sickness is permitted in your life.
As your days are, so shall your strength be.
The strength to do the will of God on daily basis is released unto you.
Your season of unending celebration begins now.
Your laughter will know no end. Your success shall be unstoppable
The Lord will increase your greatness and comfort you on every side.
It is well with you spiritually, mentally, physically and economically.
It is well with your family and everyone that is connected to you.
It is well with your business, your career and your ministry.
Now, the works of your hands will flourish like never before.

Divine favor will decorate your life with unprecedented glory and honour.
This month shall be your season of all-round breakthroughs.
This year will be better for you than last year in all areas of your life.
Even in old age, you will still be fruitful and flourishing.
You will not labor in vain. You will long enjoy the works of your hands.
You will build houses and joyfully inhabit them.
You are the blessed of the Lord and it is well with you and your family.
Rejoice in the Lord, always and again I say rejoice.
So shall this month be better than the last because the Lord will deal graciously with you, your household and GOFAMINT worldwide in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.
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