Prophetic Declaration for October 2024
Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
– Luke 10:19
Welcome to October 2024 – Our Month of Dominion and Authority
This month is declared as our Month of Dominion and Authority.
Your authority and dominion over every force of the enemy is hereby established.
From today, nothing shall by any means hurt you.
You will trample victoriously over all serpents and scorpions of this life.
Nothing shall limit or challenge your greatness, going forward.
Your dominion shall be from sea to sea and your authority to the ends of the earth.
At the sound of your voice, heaven will respond and hell will submit.
No more oppression, intimidation, or defeat for you and your household.
The Lord will give His angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways.
No force of wickedness or household enemies will resist your authority and dominion.
Devil and his agents will bow before you in all your ways.
You and your family are now untouchable for the powers of darkness.

Your glory will shine brighter and brighter like the sun in its full strength.
You will go from victory to victory and from strength to strength.
From now on, your dominion over sin, sickness, and Satan shall be unquestionable.
All that is yours in Christ are hereby released unto you.
You will be the head and not the tail. You will be above only.
From now on, nothing shall reverse your dominion and authority.
All the branches of GOFAMINT worldwide shall experience a new level of the anointing for unprecedented dominion and authority.
So shall this month be better for you, your household and the entire Gospel Faith Mission International, because we shall enjoy a new dimension of God’s dominion and authority in all realms of our operations.
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